Escape! #escaperoom #zombieapocalypse #nightoutwiththegang #tapsbrewhouse

Coolest entertainment fun. Went to my first escape room last night!

They have one escape room in Niagara falls Ontario called dead air; a zombie apocalypse theme.
I'm not a zombie fan, in fact I normally hate zombie stuff, but this wasn't freaky in any way. Norm and I went with 2 other couples, and it was really cool! Basically you solve puzzles and have to figure out how to unlock things and get out of the room in an hour. We did it with 6 minutes to spare :) Seriously recommend trying out different escape rooms, and I think 6 was the right amount of people too.
We checked out this brew house afterwards called Taps and, I'm happy to say, watched the Habs beat the Leafs ;) that's right, if I'm watching/following hockey, I'm a Habs girl... Much to the dismay of my guy friends lol
They had a guy playing guitar and singing, and it felt good to be out for a night, it's been a while. He totally reminded me of younger years lol, sang stuff I haven't heard in a few years. Had an awesome martini called purple haze, and a super scrumptious poutine too!
If you're ever going to be out in Niagara Falls I'd recommend checking out both places, made for a great night out with the gang!
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, make sure you take time for a night out with your friends sometime; it'll do you good ;)


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