New adventures in Norwex, and a visit to a new specialist

What a crazy busy and fun day! My vendor event was tonight and I had so much fun!!!! It was busy, and I sold some products, talked to a LOT of people and really had a good time. Plus I used my new Square, so it's already come in handy!
Today kinda made me feel like a chicken with its head cut off. (I really hope you know that expression- if you've never experienced the source of it, I can honestly tell you it's an accurate description). I got up early (the dogs are used to getting up with Norm so him being away for work means I get woken up earlier than usual, as Mr Knightly and Mrs Roxie require a bathroom break and breakfast). Let them out, gave them breakfast and went back to bed; apparently my lack of sleep decided to catch up with me. Got up, had coffee, designed a Norwex sale picture for the Facebook group, packed everything up and realized I needed to get going or I'd be late. Trying something new: my first Osteopath appointment. She was super nice, came across as genuine, kind and knowledgeable. I've been to chiropractors, I've had massage therapy, physiotherapy, and tried a naturopath all in my attempts at getting healthier, lessening pain and raising my energy levels. My massage therapist does deep tissue which helps (I've got myofacial pain syndrome and fibromyalgia), but it doesn't fix whatever the root of the problem is. This lady did a lot of different stretches and stuff and my body is definitely protesting!!! I'm thinking this might actually be worth pursuing. Obviously I don't expect an overnight fix; my body's been out of line and messed up for years so it's going to take some serious work, but I think she may just fix some of the problems over time. I wouldn't expect it to go quickly, it's been this way for a long time so it isn't going to be fixed in a moment.
And then I fell asleep mid sentence and had to finish it just now!
All in all, the Norwex event went great, was a ton of fun and I'm glad I went!
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, hope you're having a great day!


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