#schnauzersuckie #ilovemyschnauzers

Once upon a time, there were two happy puppies. Their hair got long and hung in their faces so mommy decided they needed haircuts. The puppies did not want haircuts so they tried to run, however they weren't fast enough. After a whole lot of splashing and shaking in the bathtub there were two soaking wet Schnauzers, a wet red head and a soaking wet blond. Blowdryers turned on and their hair got soft and silky and they were finally ready for their haircuts! With some snipping and buzzing they soon looked as handsome and pretty as ever. And so the couch snuggling and blanket hogging was necessary once again. The end.
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, don't forget to groom your puppies. Matted knots can hurt them!


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