Puppies, babies and more late night ruminations

Puppies grow so fast - It's amazing how quickly they grow. There is something so therapeutic about snuggling a puppy... I love crawling in the pen and taking all of them in my lap. They'll suck on your chin, your nose, your fingers, any warm skin lol! They're hungry little monsters and I can't imagine what their momma must feel! They tug and pull and shove their paws at her, making greedy sucking noises lol Its 8 weeks of cuteness and amazement
Yup. I'm repeating myself. But really, who can blame me?

I received my Square in the mail today and spent the evening entering products, codes and prices. I'm kind of excited to try it out at my vendor show this weekend. Fingers crossed I have some success in growing my business! I still haven't really come up with a cool name, but part of me wonders if I should just leave it under the NorMel House "umbrella". Not that the Nor ever calls us that, but the Mel is sticking with it. Between puppies, crochet, Norwex, and the many other things I get myself into, the NorMel House may just be the only way to fit it all in lol
It's another 3am blogger night (or I guess I should say morning) and I still haven't slept... Then again, sleep just may be overrated... Too bad it seems to be something the body requires eventually...
On a totally different note... I'm part of a private Facebook group called Christian Infertility Support Group and my thoughts and prayers have been with 3 tiny teeny babies and their parents. When you desperately want children and go to great lengths to have them it changes how you view things. These tiny infants and their families are in for a long road, and though it's stressful and scary and hard, part of me still envies them. Not that I've had issues getting pregnant; I have 6 beautiful babies that God called home to Himself. Our 6th was a little boy we named Denver and although it's been nearly 11 months, there are days when it hits me like a concrete wall. If someone had told me that a mother's arms and chest can physically ache from not holding or having a child I don't think I'd have believed them. But they do. 
May God grant strength to women with empty arms that long to be full, 
with the ones who's arms are so full they feel they're at their limits, 
with the ones who's arms have held and lost. 
We each feel the different struggles that surround procreation, but I know God will provide for our needs if we look to Him. Don't lose faith.
From the NorMel House where things are anything but normal, stay strong and believe


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