90 days of gratitude - Day 17

Day 17 - It may seem a bit odd, but have you ever thought about water. Seriously. It can do amazing and beautiful things. It sustains life, it can take life, it stands or flows, it can be a force to be reckoned with or a comfort for the weary and a source of healing for pain. It can be a beautiful and magnificent sight. I look out my front window and there is snow covering the fields that will eventually melt and run away, but for now its a beautiful sparkling reminder of the many aspects of H2o. I'm excited for the time when the snow starts melting a little and then freezes and there ends up being these beautiful icicles hanging off everything. A source of life, and so often a beautiful work of art. So, as strange as it sounds, today I'm thankful for water and the many things God has made it for.
where things are anything but normal


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