Church Family

Day 20 - "Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity" Psalm 133:1

I am so thankful for my family in Christ. How blessed we are to be able to go to church today! To be able to worship in freedom, to openly share our faith and praise God. This past year there have been times when the love of our church family has truly shone brightly. I am so thankful for the love and care God has shown through his people.

This past year we have had countless meals made for us, people have helped clean our house, and we've received numerous cards. Our communion of saints has cared for us, loved us and supported us through all the trials and hardships this past year has seen. I am so thankful that God has given us our church family. It is truly a blessing and an amazing thing to see everyone working together to support each other.

With love, #thenormelhouse because things in life are never really normal


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